“You can’t do this.”
“You’re not good enough.”
“You’ll never get anywhere.”

For Tia D., these words of discouragement were commonplace.
After her mother passed away, Tia was adopted by her aunt at age five.

“My aunt never showed me or my siblings love and affection. She used to beat us, told us we would never be anything in life, and that she wished she never took us in.”

Tia persevered despite these horrible living conditions:
She focused on her studies and even took college level courses while in high school.
In 2012, she moved to Los Angeles to escape her abusive and negative past.
But when her money ran out, she found herself living on the streets.


You Gave Me a Better Future!

Tia enrolled in Food on Foot’s Work for Food program in October of 2012.

There, the words of discouragement she had endured for years became a distant past.
While in the program, Tia found herself surrounded by people who encouraged her to meet her goals, find employment and to believe in herself.
“Food on Foot made me open up about my family and my feelings. I was willing to accept my past and move on with my future.”


Where is Tia now?

With the help of generous supporters like you, Tia has been working hard at achieving her life goals.
Tia is currently working at Marcos Restaurant in West Hollywood while taking psychology courses at a local school.  Her abusive childhood experience has inspired her to one day work in family clinical therapy and to help other victims of abuse. 

You can inspire more people like Tia to achieve their life goals!

When you join Food on Foot’s $98 Club, you help people like Tia EARN their way off the streets as fully-employed members of society
The homeless participants you help through the Club:

  • Earn a full-time job and an apartment they can afford on their own
  • Become self-sufficient and off government assistance 
  • Gain confidence
  • Receive a life-skills education
  • Plan their life goals

With your help, 85% of the people we find jobs for are still employed one year later!

 Please Join the $98 Club and help more people like Tia achieve success.

Change a Life: Join the $98 Club
