Who inspires you?
Who motivates you to achieve success?
Our Work for Food program empowers the homeless to leave the streets through teamwork and comradery.
And many of our graduates attribute this positive network as a driving force behind their accomplishments.
Would you like to hear stories from our Work for Food clients? You can! Volunteer and help distribute food to the homeless on Sundays. Click here to sign up.
Darrell’s life was forever changed through Food on Foot
Darrell M. moved to Los Angeles from Atlanta to be closer to his sister.
But he found himself living on the streets after struggling with drugs and alcohol addiction.
After getting sober, Darrell received a flyer for Food on Foot’s Work for Food program.
Once in the program, Darrel found himself surrounded by people who helped him believe in himself and accomplish his goals.
Every Sunday, Darrel attended group therapy sessions, led by Food on Foot’s Program Director. These group sessions gave Darrel a positive outlook on life. By showing up every Sunday, Darrel strengthened his life-skills education and leadership qualities.
And by learning in a group atmosphere, Darrel was able to inspire other participants in the program to do the same.
When you volunteer with Food on Foot, you will get a chance to meet our Program Director. She’ll discuss the Work for Food program and how group therapy sessions boost our homeless client’s confidence!
“I was inpsired to work hard.”
Darrell showed up to the Work for Food program week after week. He showed determination and displayed positive work habits during his assigned cleaning routes.
After displaying hard work and positive habits for 14 straight weeks, Darrell earned his Gray Shirt on October 9th, 2016.
As a Gray Shirt, Darrel received a full-time job at Bottega Louie in Downtown Los Angeles, along with his own apartment.
Darrell graduated the Work for Food program after 3 months as a Gray Shirt, and earning $5,000 through is job!
Looking back, Darrel realizes that his fellow participants were a huge help in motivating him to do his best.
“The most challenging part about earning my Gray shirt and graduating was staying positive, but everyone in the Work for Food program were so helpful. I learned to apply myself consistently. I knew that if I stuck with the program and followed directions, I’d graduate with my very own full-time job and an apartment!”
“I want to help others”
As a newly self-sustaining graduate, Darrell is excited to help the new participants in the Work for Food program. He saw the true value that his fellow participants instilled within himself and wants to pay it forward.
His advice for anyone in the Work for Food program is well put:
“Living this new life with a job and apartment is much easier than living on the streets. When you’re on the streets, you have to really watch your back and maneuver through some dangerous stuff – drugs, alcohol, and even crime. But now, I do what people expect me to do, and my life gets a lot easier. Life is what you make of it. You can make something really good for yourself if you try.”
Thank you so much for joining us in helping the homeless! You can volunteer and help distribute food and clothing to our most vulnerable neighbors in need ANY SUNDAY (3:00pm – 5:00pm). Children ages 6 and up are welcome. Sign up here: www.foodonfoot.org/volunteer
Thank you for caring,
Jay Goldinger
Food on Foot