Ambassadors in Entertainment support Food on Foot’s mission and programs designed to assist our unhoused neighbors with food, jobs, and permanent housing. They believe in community and teamwork by encouraging others to get involved. Ambassadors recognize the potential in all members of our community regardless of their current circumstances.
If you are interested in becoming a Food on Foot Ambassador in Entertainment, please reach out to Executive Director, Michael Foley: mike@foodonfoot.org.
Food on Foot Ambassadors
In Entertainment:
Debbie Allen
Jane Anderson
Fiona Apple
Richard Arlook
Rick Ayler
Mary Lou Belli
Suzannah Blinkoff
Sam Catlin
Dave Chameides
Jordan Corngold
John Ross Bowie
Joseantonio W. Danner
Vicki Damante
Jamie Denbo
Julie Dretzin
Liz Dubelman
Dianne Farrington
Kenny G.
Ali Gallagher
Chris Harris
Mike Hopkins
Kristi Korzec
Amanda Lasher
Aaron Lipstadt
Jill Mazursky
Senta Moses
Thomas Nellen
Bob Odenkirk
Cheri Oteri
Pauley Perrett
James Pickens Jr.
Annie Potts
Marc Provissiero
Shaun Robinson
Michael Rosenbaum
Drew Ann Rosenberg
Hannah Rosner
Ethan Sandler
David Scales
Paul Slansky
Liz Gelfand Stearns
Ueli Steiger
Dawn Synder
Dilshad Vadsaria
Michael Trucco
Jason Woliner
Andy Wilkoff
Denise Wingate
Randall Winston

“My wife Naomi and I donate to many charitable pursuits,
but Food on Foot gives me an answer to those first,
immediate, personal, questions…
how do I help the people that I can see, right there, every day.”
Bob Odenkirk

“ I love FOF because it really does feed my soul. To be able to watch someone who enters the program homeless and in such despair then after hard work graduate and receive keys to his or her own apartment and steady job makes your heart overflow. This program changes lives and elevates gratitude to a whole different level. I’m so proud to be a part of something so positive that works!”
Cheri Oteri
“It wasn’t until I volunteered to feed the homeless that I realized how tremendously impactful Food on Foot is. If there were only more Food on Foot organizations around the world…we’d be in a much better place. Food on Foot actually works!”
Michael Rosenbaum
“It’s very easy to feel hopeless about the homeless crisis in Los Angeles. Enter Food on Foot, who are providing care, training and practical solutions for the problem. To twist the old saying, they are both giving a man a fish and teaching a man to fish.”
John Ross Bowie
“What I love about Food On Foot, is not just that
it rehabilitates individuals and gives them back their
dignity and independence, but in the process
lifts my spirits. It’s a contagious effect,
lifting up others helps lift up oneself.
I am so proud to be a part of this organization.”
Drew Ann Rosenberg