Donate Clothing
& Essential Supplies

Every Sunday, over 300 unhoused and low-income neighbors come to Food on Foot to receive donated clothing and essential supplies – in addition to their full, nutritious meal.

We accept tax-deductible clothing and supply donations every Sunday. You may drop items off between 10:00 AM and 12:30 PM on Sundays at our serving location (1625 Schrader Blvd. Hollywood, CA 90028). Or if you’re volunteering that day, simply bring them with you! 

Essential Items YOU Can Donate:

New or gently used and washed clothing (no stained or torn clothes)
Shoes (especially men’s large sizes)

New socks and underwear
Hats and sun visors
Moisturizing lotion
New, packaged hygiene items (soap, shampoo, toothpaste, etc.)
Sleeping bags and blankets 
Backpacks and bags  
