Looking for an AWESOME Employee?

Be a part of the meaningful solution to homelessness:


We EMPOWER our neighbors in need with jobs, housing, skills and confidence.

You can help them regain their footing back into society with a FULL-TIME job!

Our Clients Would LOVE To Work For You Full-Time

We ensure that they will demonstrate responsibility, accountability, and determination while adding value to your company.

“John has been working with me doing grounds and maintenance
for over 3 years and has been my most reliable employee.

He is always willing to do anything we ask of him. If a position ever opens up,
I would definitely hire another Food on Foot graduate!”

Greg Perlman – Founder & CEO, GHC Housing Partners

You Will Receive an Excellent Employee!

We work with each client for months,
making sure they are ready and able to work full-time.


  • Are determined to work hard and diligently in their new job
  • Have their own apartment, bus passes, and cell phone
  • Have a life-skills education: crisis management, money management, and goal setting skills
  • Pass a drug test prior to being considered for a job and apartment
  • Give back by volunteering at Food on Foot and helping others through acts of kindness


If so, we’d love to talk with you.

Please contact our Program Director for more info:

Kelsie Deppen
