Kay was homeless and in desperate need of a job.
She spent months on the streets searching for help.
But no programs would take her in.
She had no history of mental illness and wasn’t on drugs.
So why was it so difficult for Kay to find help?
There are a lot of homeless programs in Los Angeles. But very few are designed to help people like Kay.
How is Food on Foot different?
Program Director, Kelsie Deppen explains:
“We work with the high-functioning homeless who slip through the cracks of other homeless programs. These are adults who are not on disability, probation or parole. We help these people get back to work quickly before they slip into chronic homelessness.”
With your help, Kay was able to enter Food on Foot’s “Work for Food” program.
She was accepted into the Food on Foot community with open arms.
She worked hard and showed a lot of positive progress.
On May 5th, Kay earned a full-time job and her own fully-furnished apartment.
There was literally no place for me to go until I found Food on Foot.
This program works. I am so grateful.”
Kay M.
Thank you so much for letting Kay know she has not been forgotten.
Without you, she’d still be walking the streets, trying to find a better life.
But because of you, Kay sleeps soundly in her warm bed and cooks food in her own kitchen. During the day, she proudly works at her full-time job.
Last week, she was smiling from ear to ear while signing the lease to her new fully-furnished apartment.
This is the new life you helped her find. Thank you.
Would you like to help someone like Kay?
Join the $98 Club!
Your monthly Club donation will help prevent someone from slipping into chronic homelessness. Your gift will allow someone like Kay to earn their way off the streets with a full-time job, a fully-furnished apartment, a life-skills education and a huge boost in confidence.
Please join the $98 Club today and give the gift of empowerment and change.