Help Our Unhoused Neighbors
Hosting a Facebook Fundraiser can make a BIG difference in helping our unhoused neighbors with nutritious meals, permanent housing, full-time jobs, and the critical life skills and vocational training needed to thrive in their careers.
100% of Facebook donations goes directly back to Food on Foot!
It’s easy! Just follow these 4 steps:
Click on this link to select Food on Foot as your fundraiser:
Inside your Facebook fundraiser, you’ll see a left-hand column where you can edit text. Here, you can do the following:
Set an end date for your fundraiser: A 1-month campaign is a great start. You can always extend your end-date if need be.
Set your fundraising goal: For example, $500 – $1,000
Copy the following message and paste it in the “Why Are You Raising Money?” section:
Please join me in helping to raise [INSERT YOUR FUNDRAISING GOAL AMOUNT] for the nonprofit Food on Foot. Together, we can help our unhoused neighbors with permanent housing, full-time jobs, and the critical life skills and vocational training they need to thrive in their careers.
Together, we can help more people like Robert who became homeless after losing his job in construction. With the help of Food on Foot, Robert now has a thriving flooring business and lives safely in his own apartment.
Robert says, “Food on Foot helped me get out of my homeless situation and find an apartment and a new job. I’m now a full-time independent contractor leading a small team installing hardwood flooring for apartment units in LA and Joshua Tree. Thank you, Food on Foot!“
Your support will also help provide nutritious meals and resources to upwards of 280 people EVERY Sunday in Hollywood.
Let’s raise funds for Food on Foot and end homelessness for our unhoused neighbors in need.
Hit the “CREATE” button and invite your friends to help you raise funds!
During the course of your fundraiser, share your fundraiser page at least 2 times a week. Post videos and Facebook Lives discussing how much has been raised, and how much is needed to reach the goal you’ve set. Also, remember to discuss WHY you are so passionate about Food on Foot and why people should join you in this fundraiser. Lastly, please THANK everyone who donates to your cause.